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p;.o.m lab

Closing Ceremony
saturday 14th
sunday 15th
Opening Ceremony
Estatic Dance

Ppsychologie positive (fr)

Le monde devient de plus en plus complexe, incertain et ambigu. Nos mécanismes de survie sont activés et se traduisent par des comportements de fuite, d’agression, d’abus, de soumission et de déresponsabilisation. Pourtant, nous voulons être heureux, aimant et en paix. PODnow est un état d’esprit qui facilite l’abondance, l’innovation, l’agilité, le détachement, la liberté, la conscience, la connexion, le pardon, la gratitude, la compassion et l’amour inconditionnel.​ Cet atelier propose des solutions pratiques pour passer simplement et rapidement des réactions de survie à l’état d’esprit PODnow.​

Sunday at 11a.m - 12p.m

marc-antoine tschopp

Marc Antoine is a positif and energetic psychologist. Originally from Switzerland but living in Mauritius since 8 years. His mission is to acknoledge the light in people's eyes. By identifying causes that make them thrive and recommending practical strategies to foster their personal development.

Ccercle de Rreconciliation (Rfr)

Aujourd'hui, dans notre monde en turbulence, nous sommes en quête de sécurité et de paix. Certains croient les trouver en s’identifiant à une communauté de tyrans ou de victimes. ​ Nous pensons qu’il est urgent que des groupes de toutes différences sociales, économiques, culturels, éducationnels ou religieux se rencontrent pour nous ouvrir l’un à l’autre et nous réconcilier. ​ Comme la première séparation est celle des genres masculin et féminin, nous suivons un processus structuré où chacun partage ses besoins et souffrances, pour ensuite nous pardonner, nous remercier et exprimer notre profonde compassion.​ Ce rituel est inspiré du processus « Vérité et Réconciliation » crée par Mgr Desmond Tutu, archevêque et prix Nobel de la paix et des « Cercles de Pardon » crées par Don Miguel Ruis et Olivier Clerc.

Sunday at 13:30p.m - 15p.m

alessia Ssavino

Transpersonal psychologist and psychotherapist in training at the Transpersonal Integral Institute, Italy. Alessia conducts in-depth workshops on her bodily mediation group studies.

She is interested in ancient spiritual traditions and shamanism, addressing what is called "sacred technologies" in healing processes. Spiritual researcher and lover of nature and music, she deepened the study and practice of health care through the uses of master sacred plants of the Amazon and sacred songs.

Bbio-transe-energetique (fr)

Transpersonal psychology is the contribution of the acquisitions of modern psychology to the study of transcendental inner experiences.

Biotransenergetics « BTE » is a therapeutic model and a psycho-spiritual discipline aiming to access the most authentic human qualities, to develop the purest talent and the highest potential, by intervening effectively in the processes of transformation of consciousness.

BTE considers the ecstatic and mystical experience as the main tool of spiritual evolution and shares the founding principles of original traditions such as shamanism, the "religions of nature" and the eternal philosophy.

Sunday at 15:30p.m - 17:30p.m

jennifer foo

After years of living and traveling overseas, learning about metaphysics whilst journeying within through practicing yoga, meditation, as well as various healing modalities for self development and transformation.

Jennifer now shares her deep intuitive inner knowing, compassion and other gifts, by holding space, guiding and supporting others through their own journey of inner self discovery to wholeness, in the form of Therapeutic Bodywork, Integrative Healing Therapies, Transformational Life Coaching and Workshops.

Tthe Mmultidimensional Sself - Rreclaiming your power to create the life you wish to experience

Reclaiming your power to create the life you wish to experience" Who are we beyond our physical body? How do the metaphysical aspects of our being, influence our; health, wealth, relationships, work and other areas of our lives? How to heal, find wholeness and change outside circumstances from within?

Saturday at 16:00p.m - 18:00p.m

embodying the Ddivine Ffeminine

A safe and sacred space for women (sisters mothers, daughters, grand mothers and friends) to come together, use our voices for self expression, be heard, be seen, share wisdom, empower and support each other to let go, transmute & transform what no longer serves us and blossom into the best version of ourselves.

Sunday at 9a.m - 11a.m

agnieszka szulakowska

It is my greatest joy to assist you in aligning with your soul’s purpose, and clear away any beliefs that are limiting you, so you can truly love your life from the inside out and step into your full Power, life filled with love, joy and passions! My mission is to inspire you to be fearless creators of your sacred life, sacred work and your Sacred Body. My tools are my passions; Intuitive painting, Vedic Art, Sacred Dance, Intuitive dance, Sound healing & Light Language Releasing, Soul Body Fusion, Matrix Energetics: The Science and Art of Transformation, Intuitive Healing Mediations. I am delight to use my gifts to help you discover yours, to turn on your Inner Light and your Inner Genius! 


Come and join me if your heart is hungry to to have all of the above. And so much more...So much mooooooooore...


From my wild heart to yours


intuitive painting

At PAINTING FROM THE HEART classes  process, through the medium of expressive arts intuitive painting, you are provided with an environment of encouragement that awakens your artist’s soul and challenges you to become a spiritual adventurer journeying to your own creative source.

Exercising your creativity without concern for the results, develops greater trust in your intuition, expands your sense of freedom and possibility, and gives you a way to fearlessly explore unknown aspects of yourself.

In this form of intuitive painting  you will not be learning the techniques of painting, but what you will gain goes much deeper than that. In opening to this expressive arts process you learn how to deal more effectively and courageously with your inner critic, to move through the obstacles of emptiness, fear and boredom and to heal those secret places inside that have armored themselves against their longing for expression.

You will re-ignite your natural childlike passion and enthusiastic impulse to try new things, experiment, make mistakes, make things up — in other words you will awaken your sense of creative audacity and wonder using paint, brushes and paper.

When you paint with no concern for the outcome you feed that place inside that is hungry to create for the simple joy of expression without having to achieve or accomplish anything.

And finally, intuitive painting can transform not only your relationship to creative blocks around artistic expression but also transform those attitudes and habits that keep you from meeting with imagination and courage the challenges of your daily life.

Intuitive painting is the miracle of learning to love and celebrate every part of your Self.

It’s the miracle of staying true to all of who you are. Always.

It is the miracle of making the commitment to taking responsibility for becoming the creator of your own life!

There are many places where you can go to learn to make art. But here is where you can experience what it means to make magic. To become part of a community of other wildly courageous creatives.  To become a raging creative force. Too be willing to become too much. Too big. Too intense. Too alive. Too resourced and empowered and fulfilled.  To become a joyful being of wholeness. To become a radical creative revolutionary of love!

To become the you that you were always meant to be.


These classes are appropriate for all levels of painting experience. People come who have never picked up a brush and who have told themselves “I’m not creative” or “I can’t paint,” only to find their inner painter alive and well.

Experienced artists with years of training can also benefit from this intuitive painting approach when they find themselves mired in a creative block or have lost their passion for painting.

Saturday at 18:30p.m - 19:30p.m

sound temple

I believe in the power of sound. All things have frequency and all can be calibrated [healed] through sound. During ancient civilizations like Lemuria, Atlantis and Avalon, they had designated sacred temples for healing where assisted by a Priest-Priestess or Witch-Wizard they could receive energetic upgrades, restoration, healing, and crystalline infusions. Much of what transpired in these temples was based on sound.

Sound Temple

is my own inter-dimensional healing temple for you to come and receive what you need. I work with many different sounds; crystal & tibetan singing bowls, gong, drum, chimes, and my voice through toning and light language speaking or singing.

It is my wish that this space can help you center, align, REMEMBER



Connect to your heart, your vibration, your light language through the power of sound and so much more magic…

Sunday at 12:30p.m - 13:30p.m

assema om'tara

Two decades of Meditation have transformed my vision of Yoga that I practice since the age of 14, then brought by my mother Solange to Sivananda Ashram of native city Rose-Hill in Mauritius. Along the years, that discipline of Asanas (physical postures), Pranayama (breathing exercices) and Mantras Chanting has taken such a deep dimension in my life that it has become an Art of Living, a blessing and a celebration. My numerous journeys in India.Mon.Amour and the Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali, "father of Yoga", are precious milestones towards Chitta Vritti Nirodha, the cessation of mind so important on the path of Liberation. I'm very happy to share to others that universal heritage of millenary India, accompanying them towards the resulting wellness, peace and joy.

laughing bouddha

To laugh has innumerable benefits. Increases T cells, disease destroying antibodies. Enhances cardiovascular flexibility. Improves blood circulation & lowers blood pressure, as it's a cardiac exercice, a pump, an inner massage. Increases vitality and resistance. Protects immune system. Releases endorphin, body's natural painkiller. Eliminates constipation. Fights snoring. Better sleep. Releases stress, relieves tension. Dilates 400 millions alveolus. Improves oxygen level in blood. Alleviates bronchitis & asthma. Good coping mechanism for cancer sufferers. One experiences joy, delight. Fast sickness recovery. Philosophical attitude towards problem... "If I can laugh at it, I can survive it" (rire de soi-même). Helps balance body's natural fields or auras. Helps secretion of hormonal & digestive enzyme. Releases Immunoglobulin A, the "happy hormone". Contagious, laughter is a universal language, improving communication, relationships...

ecstatic dance

❤️ ECSTATIC DANCE with Aseema ❤️ A chance to dive into high energy dancing to fully express sensations, emotions, feelings, and to connect with our deep Self at the rhythm of powerful Sacred Mantras from India and Tibet, as well as Sufi and Shamanic meditative worlds. Ecstatic music, healing music, culminating in the stillness and silence of just Being. Welcome!

Sunday at 12:30p.m - 13:30p.m




Danyal spent time seeking himself, having journeyed across India, lived in the company of a renouncing Yogi, followed intensive training through the Sivananda lineage, becoming Master Yogi. He now teaches Yoga and shares his passion, establishing peace and love within and throughout. Yoga for him is neither a sport nor a religious practice, but a personal discipline aimed at making the individual aware of his entire being through different practices, such as Mantras, Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation. Through this holistic harmony, with regular practice and self-observation, the individual experiences a state of union with himself, YOGA. Grounded and centered, he consequently faces internal and external situations with discernment, equanimity and detachment, thus doing so optimally, all components of his Self being put to use to the best of their ability. One flows through Life.

Saturday and Sunday at 07:30 a.m - 08:30 a.m
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